iHiHotels outside Paris

Independent hotels just outside Paris

Selected small hotels near Paris you'll love staying in

The  iHi independent hotel directory 


paris map► This page of the  iHi France independent hotel guide lists only small  hotels close to Paris, with on site or nearby parking for vehicles, and located close to train stations or public transport, for easy access to central Paris.
Suburban Paris is dominated by hotels belonging to large national and international chains, and attractive independent hotels are actually hard to find - particularly ones that meet all the criteria: a quiet location that is not too hard to find, car parking, and close to a station.  
► Consequently, for this area, the iHi guide includes some modern budget hotels and mid-range hotels larger than would be listed in other parts of France, as well as some franchised hotels. 
This directory is very selective, and only lists hotels that get generally good or excellent reviews from people who have stayed in them. Quality - and price - vary from four-star to two-star. iHi welcomes suggestions from travellers and hotel owners.
Price KEY
Note: hotel prices around Paris are higher than in other regions, though for comparable quality they are cheaper than central Paris.
 €  - Affordable hotels, budget hotels : good value for money. Often under 100 € for basic double room.
€€€ In Paris area, rooms generally over 250 € per night. Not for travellers on a low budget.
Hotels with no price marker are in between.
Rates may vary according to  season.
 P  Free car parking on site.   

Hotels in Ile de France (outside Paris)

View on a map North of Paris East of Paris
West of Paris South of Paris In Paris city

Hotels on the northern outskirts of Paris

Hotels on the eastern outskirts of Paris

iHi has not located any small independent hotels with character on the eastern outskirts of Paris. We offer the best alternatives.

Hotels on the western outskirts of Paris

Hotels on the southern outskirts of Paris

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Photo top of page - view towards the towers of the La Défense business district and central Paris, from Saint Germain en Laye.

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How much does it cost to train into central Paris?

Note: as from 2 Jan 2025, the cost of a single trip on the entire transilien network (RER, metro, trains... but not buses) will be €2.50 per journey (including connections). The Paris Visite pass will be maintained at the daily price of €29.90, but will no longer be very attractive.
  For journeys to/from Paris airports, the fare will be €13, regardless of the means of transport.
  If you plan to make more than 5 journeys in a day (not including to/from an airport ), take the Navigo Jour pass instead (price: €12).

While it is possible to just buy a simple return ticket from the nearest train or RER station for a journey into Paris and back (if you're just going in for a business appointment or a single visit), it is likely to work out cheaper (and less hassle) to buy a "Paris visite" pass, giving you unlimited use of bus, metro, RER and suburban trains within the area chosen, for one, two, three or five days

Prices have recently gone down (something that is sufficiently unusual for us to mention it) ! In 2024, Paris Visite travel card prices are (if bought from machines in a station):

Inner area (zones 1-3): adult rate.
1 day - €13.95 : 2 days - €22.65 : 3 days - €30.90 - 5 days : €44.45
All zones (zones 1-5) adult rate :
   1 day - 29.25 € : 3 days - 62.30 €uros - 5 days : 76.25 €uros
Children: half the price

Buy passes at the station when you first go into Paris; don't buy them on line in advance, as you could end up paying more or  a lot more, even from the Paris tourist office. Most of the hotels on this page are in the outer zone.

Tourist information for the areas around Paris
Picardy: a brief travel and tourism guide
Centre: guide to the Centre region of France 
Normandy: the region and its tourist attractions
Paris: a guide to the tourist attractions of Paris

Small hotels in other parts of France

For larger hotels in Paris, click here for a map of selected Paris hotels

Click here for
low-cost car hire in France

By clicking for more information on a hotel, you will be taken either to the hotel's own website, or to its page on an online booking portal, where you can book directly online in English. For this purpose,  iHi works in partnership with leading booking portals  Hotels.com  and Booking.com
   While online booking portals guarantee the best online rates for hotel booking, many small independent hotels have a policy of fixed room rates that will be the same however the booking is made.
   iHi is a travel information website and not a travel agency. Information is provided by hotels and online booking sites in good faith, and iHi is not involved in  any transaction or reservation conducted between third parties. However as an affiliate iHi may receive a small commission on bookings made through an online booking site; this commission has no effect on the price charged to the visitor.

Website © Independent-hotels.info.

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