Outskirts of Paris

Small hotels outside Paris
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Carefully chosen independent hotels 

Spain Great Britain Italy

Easy access to central Paris - Hotels in walking distance* of a train metro or RER station - the iHi selection

Click any marker for essential hotel details. then click hotel name for more info and online booking at best rates. Zoom in to locate hotels in detail
* Walking distance: less than one mile / less than 1500 metres.

The more attractive residential suburbs of Paris are mainly to the west and the south of the city. The northern suburbs are more industrial and commercial

How to use this map : Locate hotels by marker. Click any marker to open an info window.  In the info window that opens, click the link for full details and online booking.
Zoom in or out using the +  and - buttons : one  marker can hide another. Move the map using the hand tool.

Other countries Small hotels in Spain Small hotels in Britain
Small hotels in Italy


Photo top of Page - Central Paris, hidden behind the business district of La Défense, as seen from Saint-Germain-en-Laye

iHi - Independent-Hotels.info
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Independent budget hotel - up to three star level
Small hotel with character, and a maximum of 30 rooms
Character hotel, up to three stars, with more than 30 rooms
Mid-range modern  hotel - three or four stars.
Upscale or luxury independent hotel or boutique hotel

All chosen hotels are or have ...

  Easy access by road

P  Vehicle parking  

  Close to public transport

A few hundred metres to train, metro or RER (express transit)  for central Paris.

 Good reviews 

Only hotels that have good customer reviews **

** Customer reviews
With a few justified exceptions, iHi does not list hotels with a Booking.com average customer review score below "good". Most properties listed on iHI have scores of over 8/10. Booking.com reviews are genuine, as they can only be written following a stay in the hotel.

Secure booking

iHi works in partnership with  Hotels.com and  with  Booking.com in order to offer online booking in English at best Internet rates. However some hotels listed in this directory do not use booking sites, and must  be booked directly with the hotel by email or telephone.
By clicking for more information on a hotel, you will be taken either to the hotel's own website, or to its page on an online booking portal, where you can book directly online in English or many other languages. While online booking portals guarantee good online rates for hotel booking, many small independent hotels have a of fixed room rate policy, so users pay the same however the booking is made.

iHi is a travel information website and not a travel agency. Information is provided by hotels and online booking sites in good faith, and iHi is not involved in  any transaction or reservation conducted between third parties. However as an affiliate iHi may receive a small commission on bookings made through an online booking site; this commission ha no effect on the price charged to the visitor.

For more information on booking procedures, click here

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